Small Business Sub Contracting - Gatling Agency


Assist clients with optimizing plan management for complying with U.S. Federal government small business subcontracting obligations. Services include 4 cycles of engagement focused on creating an approvable plan, establishing processes to adhere to plan requirements, monitoring procurement spend, and  preparing for compliance reviews.


The Gatling Agency, (TGA) partners with large business federal prime contractors through various cycles of engagement ranging from subcontract plan development to assessing compliance review readiness. We work as an extension to the client’s diversity team or manage the entire process as a consultant.




TGA has over 20 years of managing small business subcontracting plans for a multi-national pharmaceutical company with a 100% track record of maintaining compliance to regulatory requirements under government oversight from the Department of Veterans Affairs, the Department of Health & Human Services and the Department of Defense. Through our history of working with these agencies, we have extensive insight on how to succeed within the following 4 cycles of small business subcontracting:

CYCLE 1:  Plan Development

Create for the client a comprehensive small business subcontracting plan aligned with regulatory requirements that includes (but is not limited to) developing procurement spend targets, documenting  processes for engaging suppliers, detailing advocacy engagement and outlining technical assistance activities.

CYCLE 2:  Program Establishment and Monitoring

Develop for the client the necessary processes to monitor and adhere to plan requirements which includes training, engaging employees, creating compliance tracking documents, engaging suppliers, identifying appropriate technology and establishing spend tracking mechanisms.

CYCLE 3:  Spend Analytics & Government Reporting

Assist the client with analyzing small business procurement spend, providing insights into goal attainment, identifying mitigation strategies and preparing performance reports for government submission.

CYCLE 4:  Compliance Review Readiness

Assist the client with mitigating the risk of non-compliance and adherence  to the small business subcontract plan by facilitating an extensive compliance readiness assessment and recommending strategies to optimize the client’s overall position.
